IT Consultancy

Perhaps you’re a brand new business owner, that’s struggling to understand what IT services your business would benefit from the most.

Or maybe you been running for years with kit that you’ve pieced together over time and need help refining your infrastructure.

Whatever your situation, we can help. With years of experience under our belt, we can advise on even the most complex matters and ensure that key individuals, fully understand everything.

Providing IT Consultancy throughout Devon and the South West

We provide expert advice on leveraging technology to improve efficiency and productivity, ensuring that your IT strategies align with your business goals.

Particularly adept at Data Networks, we offer specialised skills and knowledge, and bring a fresh perspective. We help to implement best practices and cutting-edge solutions, with the aim of reducing your costs. 



Suppose you want to expand your business or drastically improve its functions. In that case, we can help you create an IT strategy by identifying gaps between your current IT capability and your future direction.

We provide IT consultancy to a whole range of small businesses, helping improve their performance, so there's nothing we haven't seen before! Once we know how you operate, we can recommend areas that require attention. And whether that's network infrastructure, cloud services, unified communication, or new computer systems, we can help.



There's nothing more frustrating than a slow internet connection or inconvenient workarounds that don't fix the overriding problem. Apart from draining your resources, it can also take your attention away from more critical tasks.


System/Service Audits

A system audit is a first and most important thing you should do. Because, without knowing this vital information, you won't be able to put together a solid strategy or troubleshooting plan. Therefore, system audits are performed regularly for our SLA clients. But we can do this as a one-off too! Just get in touch. We offer an initial free audit for any client new to ZOOC!

Are you ready for the PSTN switch off?

It’s coming, sooner than you think, and it affects everyone! Don’t leave it until the last moment when demand will be high.