How can we help?

Services in the Cloud

When the pandemic hit in 2020, business quickly learned to adapt to the ‘new normal’, with more than 50% of organisations, moving their workload to the cloud. 46% of those, reported a reduction in business costs. It is anticipated that around 35% of employees will be permanent remote workers from 2021, double what it was prior to the pandemic.

As Microsoft Partners, we can offer Office 365 consultancy and migrations, Sharepoint development, Intranets and Azure deployments. We can also assist you with Google Workspace and Amazon Web Services.

Infographic depicting cloud computing in Devon
Cloud computing, demystified

Removing the Jargon

Simply put, cloud computing means hosting a virtual desktop for your business and it is extremely cost effective and secure. ZOOC are on hand to offer honest advice on what could benefit your business and with a range of solutions available, we can impliment almost anything.

Microsoft 356

Regardless of the size of your business, Office 365 has solutions that can be optimised for your business needs with convenient subscription packages. .

Microsoft Azure

Our packages are designed to offer the best possible value, whilst our connectivity packages can bring your current expenses down to a minimum

Microsoft Sharepoint

Each of our packages include 24/7 system monitoring to ensure any issues are identified and dealt with as quickly as possible.

Google Workspace

Consider us an extension of your team. We pride ourselves on developing open and friendly relationships with our businesses.

Amazon Webspace

Our packages are designed to offer the best possible value, whilst our connectivity packages can bring your current expenses down to a minimum

Focus on what's important

Let's talk about improving your IT

Are you worried about what might happen if your IT goes down, potentially bringing your business to an immediate halt? Don’t wait for it to happen to do something about it. Our experts are here to ensure that you have confidence in your IT and that, should the worst happen, you’ll be back up and running in no time. IT can be stressful and confusing, but ZOOC makes it easy!

Are you ready for the PSTN switch off?

It’s coming, sooner than you think, and it affects everyone! Don’t leave it until the last moment when demand will be high.