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Is your business ready?

Windows 11

is here!

Register your interest in Windows 11 and we'll be in touch to help your business prepare for the update.

Windows 11 Backdrop and logo.

Get ready for Windows 11

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Get your business ready for Windows 11.

Windows 11 is here! But there is a lot to consider. Windows 11 isn’t compatible with every device, app, and software package, and with Windows 10 support sticking around until 2025, you may not need to be so quick to upgrade.

If you’re still keen to explore Windows 11, you will need to establish the compatibility of your existing infrastructure before going ahead and upgrading. Not doing so could cause you and your business a huge headache.

So to help you along, we’re offering a Windows 11 Compatibility Assessment, during which we will: 

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Are you ready for the PSTN switch off?

It’s coming, sooner than you think, and it affects everyone! Don’t leave it until the last moment when demand will be high.